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DMS Purpose and Benefits
• Comply with regulators.
• Secure organization records.
• Enable Governance.
• Facilitate audits and track compliance.
• Align with global best practices.
• Reduce paper, go green.
• Save on storage cost.
• Increase employee productivity.
Metadata attributes
Access Control List
Document Approval Workflow
Document Center site for Individual department with unique access control. (Template Based)
E-Room (Document Sharing Functionality with External Users)

SharePoint as DMS
Document Management System is an automated software solution for organizing, securing, monitoring, digitizing, sharing, and approving your business documents. Document management systems today range in size and scope from small, standalone systems to large scale enterprise-wide configurations serving a global audience.
We're Here To Help!
Suite 209, Kawish Crown Plaza, Shahra e Faisal, Karachi, Pakistan